Corny Avocado Toast

Today is Saturday.

Everyone loves a good millennial joke right? Just get a job and stop handing out participation trophies already! Hardy har har har. Ha ha ha. I just get a touch squirmy when I hear millennial comments though, because I have this mini fear that I am one...and I just confirmed via Alexa... I am. I'm a millennial. If you're my age, then you're one too. Also I don't "work for a living" either... awkward. But hell, we do have some positives, right? Like avocado toast! We millennials just love our avocados. I believe those are a healthy source of fat and nutrients, so really, we are quite savvy.

Wouldn't ya know, I happen to make the world's best avo toast. I'm legit eating it right now, sighing with every bite, loudly claiming to my family and cat how I can't believe how awesome it is, while they look away, annoyed by my constant self-praise. It's got spice, sweetness, and a kiss of lime (how 'bout that?). Throw an over-easy egg on there and it's a well-rounded brunch treat. That's our other thing, we millennial snowflakes, we brunch. We would for sure drop $19 on this one at a restaurant. Coffee for $6 and $24 bloodies to drink. I have spelled millennial wrong every time I typed it. Thank goodness for spell check catching me every time and guiding me through it!

Awesome Sauce Corny Avocado Toast 

Serves 4


8 pieces toast, chef's choice

3 avocados When the top end squishes in easily, they are ripe.

1/2 cup frozen corn, thawed

Zest of 1/2 lime

Fresh lime juice to taste I used half a lime, but add more if you like a lot of lime flavor.

1/2 tsp salt

Freshly ground pepper

For Awesome Sauce: 

1 T adobo sauce from canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce

1 T mayonnaise

1/4 tsp. honey

Now I have experimented with three different store-bought sauces, and those work well in a pinch, but nothing beat the simple chipotle mayo I threw together myself. 

Toppings: Everything Bagel Seasoning, egg, fresh cilantro 


1) Make your toast, set aside.

2) Slice avocados lengthwise. Hit the pit with your knife and turn the knife to release the pit easily. Scrape flesh out into a bowl. Add next five ingredients. Now gently mash and mix with a fork. Don't over-stir.

Place a succulent nearby while you work.

3) Make your awesome sauce by stirring together all three ingredients. 

4) Top toast with corny avocado mix, then Everything Bagel Seasoning, then your egg if using, next a drizzle of awesome sauce, and finally, cilantro. 



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