Liz's Super Simple Salmon

Lent is coming! Try this one for your "Fish On Friday."

Do you guys ever wonder what I make when the rest of normal people everywhere go through a drive-thru? First of all, I can't patronage places with misspelled words like "thru" so that's off the table for me already. Secondly, nowadays these places idiotically list all their calories on their menus. Who is this helpful to? People who watch their calories' heads explode when they see these numbers. People who don't watch their calories don't care how many calories are in their fried crap. Maybe like medium people? Like 14 year old boys who want to beef up? Are the calorie listings for them? They note these for their files? It makes no sense to me, and further, causes me to order one small frozen yogurt every time. Frozen yogurt does not a meal make. SO, therefore, I have come up with a whole list of Liz-Friendly Fast Foods, such as the recipe I have here for you. This meal is finished in ten minutes, plus oven pre-heat time. I would argue that it always takes longer than ten to go through the drive-THROUGHS when one is most hungry, so really, this is faster. Plus if you line the pan with foil, there is almost no clean up. If you're like me, you haven't done the dishes after lunch anyways, so it won't really even seem like there's anything extra. Oh also, it's super healthy. Hearts. <3

Super Simple Salmon


1 whole salmon I can't remember how big mine was, but get what will feed your crowd.

Salt and pepper

1 T. honey

3 T. Balsamic vinegar Soy sauce works too.

Optional: 1 T. olive oil, Kalamata olives, pitted and chopped; shallots, onion or garlic, chopped, golden raisins, 5-10 oz spinach or kale, rinsed 


1) Preheat oven to 400°F.  Line a cooking sheet with foil. Check salmon for pin bones. Generously salt and pepper the fish. Bake for 10 minutes. I used almost 1 tsp. salt.

I got four bones in this fish from Costco. Only managed to find two ahead of time whoops.
Even looks like a fish, right?

2) Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add honey and Balsamic vinegar and sauté for 30 seconds. Pour glaze over salmon. For a sweeter glaze, use 2 T. honey.

If you plan to serve this at a party (?) or just like serving stuff on platters, spray the foil before placing the fish on. I had trouble putting mine on a beautiful platter to photograph for you fine folks.

Optional: Prior to making glaze, heat 1 T. olive oil in a large non-stick pan. Add in up to 1/3 cup olives, up to 1/3 cup shallot/onion/garlic, and up to 1/3 cup raisins. Heat for one minute, stirring. Add rinsed spinach to pan and toss with two spatulas until spinach wilts. Top salmon with spinach mix and then use same pan to make glaze, as in step 2 above. I had about 5 oz. spinach I wanted to use up and about a handful of olives I wanted out of my fridge. My kids love dried fruit so I knew talking up the raisins would blind them to the horrors of olives and spinach. It didn't work; I had to promise ice cream to get them to eat the toppings. But they did.  
I served this with green beans.



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