
Showing posts from January, 2021

Shrimp Scampi Pasta

  Today is Sunday. Tonight I was ZONKED due to the fact that I went sledding with my kids for OVER one hour today, hung up soggy coats and gloves for the next hour, and wiped little puddles of water off my floor for the next 17 hours. All worth it to hear the little squeals of joy escaping from their rosy-cheeked faces as we whizzed down the hill together. And then to be able to let them watch TV for the rest of the day without even feeling bad about it. Back to my exhaustion. I was exhausted! So I wanted just a quickie Sunday pasta dinner. What I made took almost no time at all. Shrimp defrost so fast. Run some cold water on them and they are ready to go. They cook even faster - just two minutes here. The angel hair cooks in three minutes. The sauce took maybe five minutes. I feel bad even making it sound like I did something fancy because of the shrimp. It took me longer to beg someone to set the table than it did to make the dinner. This one comes from epicurious. Shrimp Scampi Past

Corny Avocado Toast

Today is Saturday. Everyone loves a good millennial joke right? Just get a job and stop handing out participation trophies already! Hardy har har har. Ha ha ha. I just get a touch squirmy when I hear millennial comments though, because I have this mini fear that I am one...and I just confirmed via Alexa... I am. I'm a millennial. If you're my age, then you're one too. Also I don't "work for a living" either... awkward. But hell, we do have some positives, right? Like avocado toast! We millennials just love our avocados. I believe those are a healthy source of fat and nutrients, so really, we are quite savvy. Wouldn't ya know, I happen to make the world's best avo toast. I'm legit eating it right now, sighing with every bite, loudly claiming to my family and cat how I can't believe how awesome it is, while they look away, annoyed by my constant self-praise. It's got spice, sweetness, and a kiss of lime (how 'bout that?). Throw an over-e

Three Ingredient Nutella Brownies

Today is Friday! TGIFF if you know what I mean. Today I needed Friday equally as much as I needed chocolate. The food gods were smiling down on me this morning with this recipe from (isn't Epicurious the Greek god of food or something?). Three Ingredient Nutella Brownies SOUND like someone is punking us but they are totally real and they are glorious! Fun fact about Nutella: my daughter used to be allergic to hazelnuts, and a medical professional SAID we (she) HAD to eat Nutella (hazelnuts) a few times a week to help her grow out of her allergy. We followed those doctor's orders like he was curing her of leprosy. And we prevailed! She can eat hazelnuts now! See what a good mom I am! Also I have gone on an outing to downtown Chicago just to go to the Nutella Cafe. "Pride" isn't the word I would use exactly- unless that's what you were thinking because then I would. Dedication. Determination. Longing. All work. Decadent. Easy. Stackable. Thre

Baked Acorn Squash with Sausage and Rice

Today is Thursday. "Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this, my mama said...mama said...mama said." I think that's how it goes. Having a day over here - got in a car accident (oopsie whoopsie), my kid had swimming lessons in -17 degree weather, Diet Coke can (that I only keep on hand for my mother-in-law) exploded in the garage fridge, and I didn't have time to go to Home Goods like I wanted to! WAHHH! I haven't washed my hair in like 332 days, which is the norm, but I just realized I have book club tonight so now I have to shower when I didn't even work out! What a waste! Anyways, obviously what I am getting at is that we ate carbs tonight. Yup. I'm not even sorry because I felt happier after I ate them. But I won't eat or drink any treats at book club ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that is a lie. Hope all you little Blogadears had a better day than I did!  And I just realized this meal is gluten and diary-free if y

Coconut Almond Perch with Brussels Sprouts

Today is Wednesday. You know how I feel about picky eaters (see my dissertation below), so you can imagine my thoughts on "people with dietary restrictions." I just love 'em. I'm not at all annoyed by my kid's nut allergy. Not! Basically, diets of almost any kind irritate me on some level. Bananas make my mouth itch, but I still eat them every day! I'm just not into being restricted by what foods I can or cannot eat. That being said, my new friend Katie asked me what I make that she can have, being both gluten-free and dairy-free AND having a peanut allergy in her house. I have been thinking about a non-gluten, non-dairy, non-sucky something I could make for her, and I think I have got it with this one. This recipe also works for people who are unsure about fish (should read: children) and are just trying to get their feet (fins? Ha get it!?) wet with the idea of eating seafood. Adding coconut to mild fish barely even counts as eating fish because all you t

Liz's Pork Chops & Cauliflower Mash

Today is Tuesday. While we were renovating our house, we lived with my in-laws for seven (7) months. I LIVED WITH MY MOTHER-IN-LAW for seven incredibly short, easy breezy, fun-filled months. No I'm just kidding. Honestly it was fine and I recommend to anyone that if you and your in-laws...don't...always recognize each other's finer points, go move into their home for an extended period of time. Now I am their favorite child AND I am able to freely yell at, argue with, and lovingly make fun of my mother-in-law like she's my own mom. Lots of exaggerated eye rolling. It's swell. And I even got her to start keeping her butter out on the counter! See, she listens to me. Good Rose.  My one condition for moving into someone else's house was that I had to be in charge of the kitchen. You should have seen me lugging over bins of pans and spices and utensils that I thought I couldn't live without (and it was only supposed to be for eight weeks!), it was

Grilled Burgers and Greens

Today is Monday. Ugh we are stuck in the winter doldrums over here. It's so cold out and they say it's going to snow like one to eight inches or something so probably school will be closed tomorrow. Damn school district will do anything to get rid of my children. I'm on to those crafty, clever little buggers. Hmmm...I have just the thing to help shake the winter blues for me/celebrate the chance of a snow day for the kiddies. Big ole juicy burgers! With a side of Swiss chard (muhahahahaha)! Grilled food! I love my grill so much I literally would marry it if it took out the garbage and put gas in my car for me (the latter of which Steve DOESN'T do). I miss it a lot during the colder months and have a few tricks up my sleeve to get some grilled food up in here without burning down the house or catching a chill outside. Are you very impressed that I do all the grilling around here? I personally am very impressed with myself. I try to teach me one new life skill per year. &


Liz: On Picky Eaters

Picky eaters? Never liked ‘em. Don’t really believe them either. I allow everyone maybe five foods they truly hate. You like mushrooms. You do! You may just need to give them another chance. There are so many different ways to prepare different foods and so many different seasonings and sauces that I just can’t believe someone when they tell me they don’t like something. I usually blame the parents. It’s probably your mom’s fault you think you don’t like fish or green beans. Well, you are the chef now, and food has come a long way since your mom was cooking for you every night. If I can learn to love a good honey balsamic marinade when honey is the most disgusting food on the planet, you can do it too! And any little people in your home may just follow suit. ;0)